Growing up! Growing up! I'm Growing up!

Baby's need.

Friday, April 28, 2006

I went for routine check up again yesterday. The entire process, from registration till payment..only took me about 15 minutes..never happened before..normally 1-2 hours was norm..So, it was not too tire..I went back offfice after that..
I signed up for the donation of cord know what it is about? it's like blood donation but without any pain..normally the cord blood and placenta would be thrown away after mummy give birth..but now Singapore Cord Blood Bank is collecting and encouraging all mother to donate it to SCBB..the stem cell in the cord blood can save life for blood related is very meaningful and I think it is more meaningful than other charity or donation..
My hubby and I visited the triplets last night..they were really cute and sweet..Now, they started to respond to the surrounding..My hubby sing Christian songs to them, they were listening quitely and the eldest daughter even sing along thru making some noise was really amazing..My sister in-law..become very skinny..even slimmer than before preganacy..but really pray that she is healthy and strong..Can see that she really enjoy her motherhood life : ) God is really good to the family..and brought them throuhg all the difficulties..Praise HIM.
After that, about 9pm, visited my church sister..long time didn't see her in the church..partly because she is pregnant and having nausea..Her 2 year old boy..doesn't like people to look at him and discusss about, he cried when we are there..hugging his grandmonther tightly..must be frighten by us..really pray that God strengthen the sister and grant her more energy such that she can attend church with her hubby and son more regularly..
My next appoitment is 4 May 06,3pm. My uni friend also having the same timing..Her EDD is 2 weeks after me..didn't see her since her wedding..excited to see her with big tummy now..looking forward : )

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

38 weeks : )

Now is 38 weeks of pregnancy..May be this week would be my last week of work. Though I've applied maternity leave from 2 May onwards, but if the check up on Thursday no sign of early delivery, I might continue to work till nearer to the labor..of couse, still have to depend on my condition..whether can walk or not? whether the backache I can tolerate or not? whether the kicking of Qizhen would be too painful or not? Very excited to welcome Qizhen to our family..Though I enjoy her presence in my womb..but really hope to see her face to face..My hubby everyday hoping that she would be delivered earlier than the EDD of 11 May 06..He feels that I am too tire and too tough in carrying such a big tummy movement like an old lady...Can really tell that God has really prepare him to be daddy..Since a few months ago, he already thought of where to bring her to spend our week end...really amazing right? God can change a person...a daughter also can change a person..hee..hee..No wonder people said kids will help parents to grow up as a mature adult...

Friday, April 21, 2006

G 4/4 盼雨 林义忠

神啊 祢是我的神



Thursday, April 20, 2006

37 weeks, yesterday went for check up..Dr said should there be any labor sign..I should go direct to delivery suite..really really excited..hee..hee..last week weight is 64kg, this week also the same..heard that some people weight shoot up to more than good friend also pregnant, she called me yesterday..very happy for both of them..finally God also bless them with kid...
Now tummy is really heavy..legs can't lift up too high when walking..also can feel the pressure on tummy when moving I wish I can stop working and rest at home..but, still enjoying working during this period..since 8 months, I have totally no morning sickness at all..appetite also remain as before pregnant..really different from what people told me (the morning sickness will come back during last trimester)..Jesus really make me difference from normal pregnancy..thank YOU : ) muack..muack...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Monday, April 03, 2006

Another 1 month to go !

Very very excited! Another one month to go..I think I will miss the 10 months pregnancy..It was really wonderful and great..Thank you Jesus for He has strengthen me and given me so much energy to pass through everyday..Most importantly, He answered my be a pretty preganant lady and to be able to continue to serve in all my ministries..Qizhen is growing well..she responded to us every time we pray for her and talk to her..Sometime, church members touch and pray for her through my tummy..she responded through kicking..they were very excited too..