Growing up! Growing up! I'm Growing up!

Baby's need.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Toilet train for Vera

At 27 months now, Vera able to communicate whenever she needs to go toilet for big and small business...we tried her at home for few hours after school daily and on week end..Her teachers say that she is very very clever : P
Josiah is going to 2 months old this 25th Aug..He is good boy and he is able to respond to us when we play with him..This morning I brought Vera closer to him and Josiah smiled and smiled..Vera was laughing all the way..she loves him a lot..

Thursday, August 07, 2008

NDP Preview 2 Aug 2008

Gotten 2 tickets for NDP Preview. I went with Vera. Hx and Jo stayed at home. We took cab to Marina bay. The driver over shot the alighting area..cost me $16 to Marina bay from Queenstown. We walked from Marina Square to the stage. It was quite a distance. Half way a guy gave Vera a cone ice cream..she was very was hot, but better than rain,right:p We stayed until the show finished when the fireworks were shown..vera was excited to see the whole show..she got a funpack and so did I..a lot of good stuff in it..including 2 free Singapore Flyer tickets..we are going for the flyer on 11 Aug 2008 evening..
Jo is a good boy..